Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

For the Vaccine Paranoid, Here’s the 411: What to Expect on V-day

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. Woody Allen I jumped at the chance to get vaccinated three weeks ahead of schedule. No big deal, right? Are you kidding me? If you're as paranoid about vaccines as I am, you know it's a HUGE deal. Before getting the COVID-19 vaccine, …

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The Ultimate Guide to an English Zen Garden

I first heard about English Zen Gardens on a Facebook social media page and was instantly captivated by the concept. Zen, to be clear, is neither a faith nor a philosophy. It refers to the intangible interconnected nature of all life. It's the peaceful meditative mindset and practice of returning to the naturalness and ease …

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In 10 Minutes, I’ll Give You the Truth about Messenger RNA Vaccines

In 1978, Leon Spinks was the new kid on the block who unexpectedly beat world heavyweight champion, Mohammed Ali. It was only Leon's eighth professional fight when he entered the ring with the smooth-talking boxing legend. You may be wondering what boxing has to do with mRNA vaccines. Here's the deal: The new kid on …

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Aging on Your Own terms: Is a Thread Lift Right for You?

A new survey of 2000 women discovered that many women in their early fifties suffer a self-esteem setback. Women may be insecure about the appearance of sagging skin in the same way as men may be insecure about premature baldness. Add grey hair and reading glasses to a sagging face, and some women begin noticing that they’re …

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Image of the Canadian flag and the coronavirus COVID-19 vaccine

Is the Canadian Government’s Agenda-Driven Messaging to Blame for Vaccine Hesitancy in Canada?

The Canadian government got off to a good start when the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic arrived on Canadian soil. We looked to our government for guidance and protection as we watched and listened to disturbing news reports of countless COVID-19 related deaths in Europe, the United States, and other countries around the world. The first instance …

Continue reading Is the Canadian Government’s Agenda-Driven Messaging to Blame for Vaccine Hesitancy in Canada?